
Meet the Allen family.  We are lovers of Jesus Christ, with a passion to serve in growing His Kingdom.  Through the years we have served as lay leaders in the church and as Senior Pastors.  Currently we are preparing to serve in Micronesia as missionaries with Assemblies of God World Missions.

About Us

John Mark grew up serving Jesus in a small Assembly of God church in Northern Missouri where his parents pastored. Since early childhood he knew God’s call for him was pastoral ministry. Oshiana grew up in the mountains of Northern California and felt called to missions on her 17th birthday. We met at Central Bible College while preparing for ministry and have been married 26 years. After serving 17 years together as lay leaders, we pastored six years at Family Life Assembly of God in Warrensburg, MO, where we still reside with our four children.

Our Call

The Lord led John Mark to walk Family Life Assembly of God into becoming a campus of another church. He surrendered that long awaited pastorate back into the Lord’s hands without knowing what the Lord had next. Wondering if this might be God’s leading to serve overseas, we reached out to Area Director Bryan Webb to see if there might be someplace in Pacific Oceania that we could serve despite having a son with type 1 diabetes. From that first online meeting our hearts bore witness that Micronesia was the field to which God was sending us.

The Need

Nominal Christianity is the norm in Micronesia, largely compromised by traditional animistic beliefs and practices, and lacking in the powerful, true message of Christ. The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) has no Bible school training the next generation of pastors and church planters. When ministerial students are forced to travel to other areas of the world to study, they tend to find it more comfortable there and do not return to serve the islands. The result is that there are churches with aging pastors that have no trained successor available. Church planters are needed to disciple people groups on remote islands where there is no evangelical church.

Our Vision

Our vision is to partner with the Micronesian Assemblies of God to establish on the island of Pohnpei a Bible school that will serve the larger field of Micronesia, training the next generation of pastors and church planters for the islands. Our first term will be spent learning language and culture while laying relational groundwork so that all is prepared for the school to open our 2nd term.

You can find updates on our ministry under “Allen Family Missions” and Oshiana’s personal blog under “Pondering.”